Saturday, January 30, 2010

Betrayal of true friends..cont3

No one can read anyone's heart.

Even if someone could, there was one heart that was always guarded with the steel doors and it belonged to the College sweet heart, Jessie. Unlike the other social birds in college she was always detached from her environment. Always hid behind the thick sheets of Sidney Sheldon books, she practically ignored the whole world especially the guys who would die for her small smile.

It’s the final countdown for the college culturals. With just a few days left there was not a single breath of air in and around the college that is not bit by the season’s excitement. Some were tensed about their participation, some were getting ready for more socializing, and some were busy organizing.

Mr. Dan, the youngest lecturer in the electronics department entered the practicing hall for the ECE department to give them the basic instructions. So the whole department sat in discipline for once. Ellen finally got some nerve to ask Bryan out for a date, so she wanted to what he did that evening. Being a typical girl that she is, she tried to start the conversation by passing a note to him:

Hey Bryan,

What will you do generally after college?


Bryan was so focused on the instructions that he replied:


To know anything about me ask Lizzie.

He said this because Lizzie was his close friend. Little did he know that he missed the cue and made a huge mistake, as Ellen was always possessive.

Ellen became so frustrated that she even could not react to the most important news that Mr Dan said finally.

The most shocking news couldn’t have come in any bad time for the band. The news was that the so-thought-obvious-to–win Lizzie band had a major threat from the Computer Science Engineers, who were planning for an ambush.

Janace was the person responsible for stage arrangements. She, having her part time job experience in stage decoration, spent four straight days to come up with the excellent stage set for almost all events. Nothing could have killed her excitement.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Betrayal of true friends..cont2

It’s just a week for culturals, everyone had very busy schedule. Andy was trying to get much closer with Janace. Andy was a rapper so he joined with Rick a reality show winner for dance from his department. Rancho and Katty were planning for a slow number duet. Lizzie formed a band with Martina in the base guitar, Bryan in Keyboard and Ellen in Drums. Everyone were practicing very hard to out-do others in the highlights.

Bryan became friends with all in the band even though he was from another state. Ellen was also from the same place as Bryan so he was extra good to her. But everyone started to gossip about them. This created a small ripple in the heart of Bryan; he could no more see Ellen in the way.

Rancho was madly in love with Katty. During the dance practice he was completely around her. Every morning they went for a walk. He drove her to college. Both of them spoke with eyes even when they were apart. They wore same colour clothes daily. They were so attached to each other that they wanted to stand-up on the roof and scream it to the world. Andy came to know about this whole affair.

Andy and Rancho planned on a double date after their practice to the pub with their girlfriends. But Rancho hesitated for the obvious reason. But still he went as he had no choice. Perfect couple Rancho and katty entered the pub with hands together.

Andy as soon as he saw this hurried and invited them to the table and kissed Katty's wrist in acknowledgment for the formal introduction. Rancho turned red in anger. But tried to ignore it.

Ellen wanted to spend more time with Bryan alone. But Bryan wanted to spend more time with the band. Ellen was a bit frustrated as she was possessive by nature.

Everyone thought twice before enrolling their name for the pageant show, even people from other colleges were worried as Jessie enrolled her name. Jessie was the college princess and every guy wanted to be her arm-candy. But she rejected every one. As all mirrors have scratches so is every heart. There was always a deep sorrow buried in the deep brown eyes of Jessie. She felt that no man has ever seen her real heart or the sorrow of her eyes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Betrayal of true friends..cont1

7 years ago.....

It was the first day in college. Jeo Institute of Technology (JIT) is the premier college for engineering. It’s everyone's dream to join JIT. But only few are fortunate. Andy felt very fortunate to go to the college. But in reality he entered the college with political power. Janace entered the college in her brand new bike. She felt like ridding on the sky. In the same thought she dashed on Andy.On the very first day Andy was forced to enter the class with stitches. The whole class starts to laugh except Janace. She gave a romantic look. Love waves started and the amplitude began to increase in every electronic class and the waves started to propagate in EM Wave class faster than the velocity of light and without any antenna their waves travelled freely like satellite communication.

Rancho was the bench mate of Andy. Rancho had a small crush on Katty. But tried to cover feeling. Because he knew that if he disclosed his feelings Andy will try to attract the girl. On the course of time Rancho and Andy became friends.

Lizzie was a very happy person, always with a smile. She was a very friendly person. Andy treats only Lizzie as his friend.

One day during a Lab session Rancho wanted to sit next to Katty so he pulled the stool in a hurry and dashed a place near her. But little did he notice that Lizzie was standing next to Katty and he pushed her on the process. He never actually saw her being pushed, as he was blinded by love and hence he never apologized. This site made both Andy and Lizzie mad on Rancho. But as Rancho was his friend Andy dint say anything. Defenceless Lizzie just pulled herself and shifted to a place near Martina.

Martina immediately helped Lizzie with the wounds. This act of kindness made Lizzie and Martina friends. But hatred towards Rancho was ignited in the heart of Lizzie.

Festive season in college was about to begin. College has become even more colourful.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Betrayal of true friends

It was a late night. Andy and Rancho two good friends were in a busy call.

Friendship budded the moment they met in college. They became friends for ever. They pledged never to go apart. After college Andy got a job in the ship. Rancho entered into the vast IT field and started to grow in a rapid pace. Rancho called and mailed Andy.

It was a similar night. Andy asked Rancho whether he trusted him n all issue. Rancho hesitated and started to laugh. This is left Andy think of the things that happened in the past.................

HoW wAs YoUr CoLlEgE LiFe